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All about HAIR OILS!

All about HAIR OILS!

All about HAIR OILS!
hair oils

All about HAIR OILS!

Ancient elixirs, golden and pure, Whisper secrets of locks secure. In every drop, a timeless glow, Nurturing strands as they grow.

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Candle Making: My trials and tribulations! - Wild Witchery Apothecary

Candle Making: My trials and tribulations!

As we wrap up 2023, I wanted to bring some interesting highlights about my journey into candle making. I promise it won't be boring but rather a very interesting insight in the craft.  So as many o...

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Itchy Scalps! - Wild Witchery Apothecary
Itchy Scalp

Itchy Scalps!

Oh, itch and twitch, upon my scalp's hitch, a vexing spell of discomfort, a witch's woe, to and fro!

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Understanding sensitive skin and my personal journey - Wild Witchery Apothecary
sensitive skin

Understanding sensitive skin and my personal journey

In its vulnerability, it finds strength, A beauty unmatched in its full length, For sensitive skin, a gift bestowed, A testament to love that it has known.

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Musical Manifiestation - Wild Witchery Apothecary

Musical Manifiestation

Music is an important aspect of my personal and spiritual life. I use it to cleanse myself, my home, my mind. And I listen to everything, call me Sister Mary Clarence, because I have eclectic taste...

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Crystal Healing - Wild Witchery Apothecary
Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing

Crystals and stones have captivated humanity for centuries with their mesmerizing beauty. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, many believe that these remarkable gifts from the Earth possess mystical pro...

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New Moon Wanting - Wild Witchery Apothecary
Witch Tips

New Moon Wanting

As the New Moon approaches, I am reminded of the fact that New Moons are meant for new beginnings.   Magically speaking, when we move from the New moon to the Full moon, it is time for favour...

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The Selection of Deities - Wild Witchery Apothecary

The Selection of Deities

A small introspective look on deities.

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First of the Month - Wild Witchery Apothecary
Witch Tips

First of the Month

If you are active on any spiritual or wiktok blog/tiktok, you know the importance of the First of the Month rituals. These are the days that you cleanse your home, work, or self for a great step in...

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Cleansing; a rundown in magickal practice - Wild Witchery Apothecary
Witch Tips

Cleansing; a rundown in magickal practice

Magickal practice begins with cleansing, but there are more ways to cleanse than what most tell you.

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